Evolution of fashion, or how Hannah changes her mind.

When I was in middle school I decided I hated jeans. I don’t really remember the reasons. Maybe it was the roughness of the fabric or the fact that everyone seemed to wear them constantly. Either way, I decided no jeans for me. All through high school I did what I could to avoid them. I wore corduroys, vintage dress pants, skirts but no jeans. Between the ages of 13 and 18 I was jeans-free.

Then came college and how things changed. I bought my first pair of jeans and for the next 10 years, jeans became the foundation of (almost) everything I wore. No big deal just a huge change. I didn’t even think about how long I had loathed them jeans were all I wanted.

Almost ten years ago people started wearing leggings on a regular basis. Leggings are the worst, I thought, lazy dressing. Well, here I am post-pregnancy and all I want to wear are leggings.

Maybe I am now lazy. Maybe it’s just that I’m in-between sizes. Maybe when you are schlepping around an almost three-month infant there is just no time to think about dressing beyond stretch. Or, maybe my style has changed.

I’m going back to work on Monday. Leggings and a nursing tank are not really work appropriate. And now I feel at a stylistic loss. What to wear when I want to wear the easy and comfort I’ve come to love on leave, need to wear something that will allow ease of access for pumping 3x daily and still looks like I’m an adult in a workplace. Oh, that doesn’t cost much money because new parent. Time to evolve.

(this post brought to you by a Joanie-nap)

3 Responses to Evolution of fashion, or how Hannah changes her mind.

  1. The EGOTist says:

    I love leggings too, they’re super comfortable. It’s easier to get away with them at work in the winter when you can pair them with sweaters, tunics, and short dresses. Maybe for now, while the weather’s still hot, dresses could be a good alternative. A maxi dress is the easiest outfit but it looks like you put in a lot of effort.

  2. Indepenguin says:

    I wore nothing but leggings and dresses when I was traveling. As long as they’re not a sub for pants, you’re fine. Agree with maxi dresses–they’re great.

  3. Adrien says:

    If you are clothed, you are a hero. That is what I have to say about dressing professionally and pumping. (Godspeed and good luck!)

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