My Weaning Party: thoughts on breastfeeding on the occasion of having weaned my daughter.

June 10, 2016


There is nothing I can say in the space of this essay that won’t have an emotional impact on someone. I need to say that first. This is my story of breastfeeding and I know I can’t speak for anyone else. However, it’s a sensitive and emotional subject for many. Myself included. This is the story of breastfeeding in the current moment. It is so hard to talk about openly and because of that before this past year, nothing. Or next to nothing.

I came into breastfeeding knowing very little. I had a friend who upon giving loads of advice in my late pregnancy told me her wife was unable to breastfeed and she has it much easier. The advice was: don’t stress about it, either way you’ll be okay. The comment was the first time I realized that feeding my child could potentially be a challenge.

Now I know, breastfeeding is one of the most challenging things that women’s bodies can do. That it is a rarity for it to come easily to a woman and her child. But it is easy to forget in the haze of the early months that we struggled to achieve the ability to feed our children with our bodies. Breastfeeding makes pregnancy look easy.

And here we get into challenging territory. My mother, who cherished her time nursing her children, really wanted me to succeed. She gave me a couple of books including one that she said had been very helpful for her. The book basically said that if you don’t succeed at breastfeeding it is probably caused by a lack of education about how breastfeeding works.

And here a binary is set up: you can breastfeed and succeed or you cannot breastfeed and fail. The “Breast is best” campaign started ringing in my ears and I knew I needed to succeed. I wanted to believe that I had the education, that I had the desire and that my body could provide what my child needed. This child I had fed for almost 10 months inside of me could continue to be nurtured by my body.

Every bump we hit I felt as my body failing me and my child. She wasn’t gaining enough weight, my milk wasn’t coming in enough even as my breasts ached and burned. She wanted to eat all of the time but according to the lactation consultant her latch wasn’t effective and even the amount of time she spent pulling on my nipple (pulling to the point that I bled) didn’t amount to much. And so like many women, I had to start supplementing. First with a bit of formula and then as I started to pump more with my pumped milk.

My maternity leave consisted of breastfeeding, feeding her the pumped milk, attempting to get  Joan to sleep, or giving her to my husband or another visitor and going to pump. I watched a lot of Anthony Bourdain in those early days. I was pumping and visiting some place around the world where I watched a man execute his privilege over and over. And pumping itself wasn’t easy. As the machine went to work so did I. At the end of twenty minutes of hands on work I was frustrated looking at my ounce or two wishing I could produce more.

At around two months we experienced a shift. I don’t know if it was her or me but she gained fine (still/always a tiny little thing) and no longer seemed to need to supplement. For the last few weeks of my maternity leave things were working the way I had always expected them to. When she was hungry and got fussy I adjusted my shirt, she latched and we nursed until she was satisfied. The nipples healed up and breastfeeding became pleasant.

As a working mother that pleasant relationship was bound to change.  For the first few weeks of daycare I pumped five times a day. I woke up, nursed Joan, got us dressed and pumped while she “played” on her mat next to me. At work I pumped three times a day. I got home, nursed and then pumped again after dinner. Now I watched Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, Agents of Shield, Jane the Virgin or Scandal the dramatic shifting action occupying my mind while my hands pressed into my breasts trying to push out every little bit of milk available. And still I was hardly making enough for her daycare bottles.

I felt like a failure. I was a wreck. My body was pushed to the extreme, I was exhausted (in addition to the schedule above Joan was still waking 2-4 times a night to nurse at that point) and emotionally I was hardly holding on. Andrew in the middle of one of my exhausted crying episodes suggested getting some formula just to have as a back-up to release me of the pressure of having to stress about all of the pumping. Sure, I said but only as a back-up, just in case I can’t make enough one day.

But the truth is that formula released me. One level of the stress went away. It didn’t have to be all on me and my body. Joan would be okay. Formula even filled with chemicals and looking/smelling gross was created just for this purpose to make sure my daughter got fed.

Within a week I gave up my morning pump and life got much easier. I continued on for about five more months. When Joan was about 8 months old, and had started solids, I pulled back to two pumps at work. At about 10 months I stopped my evening pump. And at eleven months I stopped pumping at work all together. With each pump I dropped Joan got another bottle of formula. Each time I felt more free despite the hard-to-shake guilt that I somehow failed.

For those who haven’t breastfed you may not realize that it’s not a choice to pump or nurse. Your body demands it. For most of the past year I couldn’t go three hours without needing to do one or the other. I would be sitting in a meeting, onstage at a discussion or walking down the street and I would feel at first a bit uncomfortable, then a huge anxiety and nervous energy (I took this to be a biological internal monitor letting my know my baby was starving – my monitor obviously isn’t aware of formula) and then pain and at times a release. One night when Joan slept longer than usual, she woke up and I changed her diaper before feeding her. Standing at her changing table I felt something drip on my foot – is our air conditioning leaking? – nope, just my breast dripping onto my foot.

Is this what success looks like? A year of stress, anxiety and even pain? My body connected to the demands of my daughter even if she is happily drinking a bottle miles away at daycare? I left dinners early, I avoided going to the theatre, I got frustrated easily in meetings when I was passed my pump time, I certainly fought with my husband when he didn’t deserve it just because my body was being pulled by its biological obligation. Is that success?

Nursing has really special moments. The first time I realized Joan could see and focus was when she was nursing and suddenly looked up and made eye contact. Thinking about that moment now makes my heart swell. As she got older nursing could be gentle or playful. Her head nestling into me with its soft curls, or her fingers pinching and exploring.

I spent time with mothers who nursed their children until they were well into toddlerhood. I wondered if I would, could. “Stop by the time she can ask for it”– friends would say – not realizing that she started asking for it by pulling at my shirt when she was three months. I had hoped she would wean herself (but secretly I hoped that would happen soon).

Joan is starting to develop language. She can ask for water with a word that sounds like a mix of water and agua: wagua. She still asks to nurse by pulling on my shirt. And in the past week I’ve said no. It was my choice not hers. Part of me still feels bad about it – that I’m somehow failing her that I should keep going until she no longer wants it.  And I was nervous I would lose that time of closeness of her eyes in mine, her hair against me, and her fingers taking ownership of my skin.

As far as I can tell this is the point of parenting: to take a helpless being who relies only on you and helping them get to the point when they don’t need you anymore. Joan doesn’t need me for sustenance: she drinks milk, water and eats EVERYTHING.  I feel both a loss and a huge gain.

And so we are done with that part of our relationship. In Genesis it is mentioned that Isaac had a weaning party. I love that idea. I want to celebrate Joan’s growth and I want to celebrate my freedom. My body is finally my own again almost two years after I first got pregnant. Instead of having a party last night I bought a ring. It’s a milky white rose and a reminder to me that I was successful. That despite all the self-doubt, the feeling that I wasn’t good enough, and the hours spent pumping, I was successful. My body did what it was supposed to do: it allowed me to make my own choices. That Joan’s body did what it was supposed to do: it thrived.

Bye, breastfeeding, so long.


My weaning ring. Purchased at Brookland Arts Walk made by the talented Rachel Pfeffer.


the state that i am in

September 10, 2009

so here’s what my semester looks like:

six classes:

1. history of set design (where we look at the history and theory of design)
2. fundamentals of playwrighting: adaptation (where we look at different methods of adapting for the stage) development (where working with a management student we design our ideal theater)
4. planning a season (where we look at the seasons of various contemporary theaters and read many a play)
5. issues in performance art (an art history course where we look at post 1960s performance art)
6. shakespeare (where we read and analyze the bard)

two jobs:

1. the Ticket and Information Center where I also worked last year. Mostly shifts in the evenings and weekends. (about 10 hr a week)
2. in the Dean of the School of the Arts office working in ‘events & communication. (about 10 hr a week)

two shows:

1. Three Sisters – the Chekhovian masterpiece.  Going up the weekend of October 16.

2. A devised Kafka piece. Don’t know what it will be called or what it will be about. All I know is starting next week the company will be meeting once a week, talking Kafka and coming up with something. I’m very excited. The production will go up in the beginning of December.

So, that’s the semester. Slightly overwhelming and terrifying. And certainly too busy for real blogging.  There may be little things here and there but really, I doubt it.

I am continuing to update the Theatre Collage blog. So please do bookmark that if you haven’t already. I post a number of things a week as I find links, quotes or images that interest and inspire. As my readings increase in the weeks to come I’m sure that I will feature quotes from books, essays and plays that I want to share.

If at any point you miss having regular blog post from me to read, or miss hearing from me, then please get in touch. I’d be happy to write you a personal blog post (they’re called emails).  And happy also to hear voices on the phone and be reminded that there is life outside of the Columbia theatre program.

back on the blot

July 30, 2009

I’m on the bus now just leaving DC and saying goodbye to a large chunk of my summer. I had a fantastic time at Fringe.  Dorks on the Loose: Facey Facey Face Face was a great sucess and got a lot of love in the press. Being on staff at the festival was a huge challange.  In the end I managed a schedule with 153 volunteers spread throughout 630 or so shifts.  The hours were long and I’m still recovering from the exahustive push of the job.  Just the same I’m glad this is where I chose to spend the summer. It gave me a chance to see my friends (on Mondays and Tuesdays at least) and see most of my favorite dc theater making and theater going folks as they passed through the Fringe box office.

The summer had bumps too, when does any time not. That’s life I guess. I’m looking forward to being back in New York. I’ve got a number of projects lined up for next semester and it will be nice just to be back in my apartment, so near the park.

And tonight I am going to see Jarvis Cocker. So, I’m looking forward to that.

Still in the process of figuring out what I want this little spot on the web to be. Not sure yet.

oh and

June 20, 2009

my theatre collage will keep updating in spurts as well.

a week in the life: sorry guys

June 20, 2009

I’m just not in a blogging place these days. Maybe I’m too busy. Maybe I’m becoming to introverted. Whatever the case is, I just don’t feel the urge to blog.

It’s taking me longer to process my ideas and then once they are processed I don’t really feel like writing them out.

I don’t want to say goodbye to the blog but I know you are all getting tired of the half written posts and apologies.

but not sure what else I can do right now.  I think the blog is going to go on hiatus until classes start. If something comes up I may post but don’t expect much. And this, I swear, will be the last apology about it.

In the meantime though here’s what I’m doing:

The 2009 Capital Fringe Festival runs from July 9 – July 26 and during that time i will be found in the box office coordinating the volunteers.

Want to volunteer? Please do! Fill out this survey to let me know your availability.

Dorks on the Loose copy

And Dorks on the Loose return with a new show Facey Facey Face Face. Tickets go on sale Monday and once I have that link it will go up and obviously you should all see it!

And Forum Theater is busy with Dark Play which also opens July 9 which also you should all see.

If you want to know more about what is happening in my life give me a call, send me an email, make plans with me. I may be anti-social on the web but I’m trying not to be in real life.  Let’s have a real conversation.

Oh, and this was written while listening to the new Stuart Murdoch project God Help the Girl which is being streamed for a limited time on the Matador Records page. I enjoy muchly.

first glimpse at my new place

June 2, 2009

these were all taken with my phone so are blurry once the room is completely done I’ll take real pictures.

pictures hanging over my bed

desk in my new room

scarfs hanging on the wall and door

and then of course there is the dog:
athena - my 4-legged roommate

bloggity blog blog

May 27, 2009

I’m feeling rather unmotivated by the blogging these days. Maybe it’s because with facebook and twitter and my little tumbler theater collage there is much sharing already happening. Maybe it’s because I’m busy. Maybe it’s because I feel boring. Maybe it’s because I’m not sure you the readers care. So, today I have two polls for you as I try to keep motivated and figure out what the roll this little piece of internet territory plays in my life.

tasty dinner

May 14, 2009

when my former roommate moved back to Austria on Monday she left behind a fridge filled with food.  I see it as my duty to not let the food go to waste. So, I’ve been very inventive trying to eat as much of it as I can before it goes bad. Tonight’s dinner was a salad with lettuce, basil, strawberries, smoked salmon, swiss cheese and a homemade vinaigrette (olive oil, vinegar, shallots, garlic, mustard & salt & vinegar).  So good. Last night’s dinner was leftover pasta with a sauce of tomato, red wine, olives, garlic and basil.

nothing like eating well.

and I deserve it. Today was a trip to ikea where I bought furniture for my new room. Including this desk which I am in love with. My friend and I carried all the furniture up the 4 flights of stairs to my room. I built the chair and shelf unit and still have two large items to build, and a bed to buy, and my room now to pack up and move over.  Oh, and I’m starting to get really busy with all my summer jobs and responsibilities (more info will come soon).

wait for it

May 11, 2009

I first heard about the Marshmallow experiment listening to one of my new favorite podcasts* Radio Lab a few weeks ago.  The basic experiment which happened in the 60s tested childrens self-control in the face of a mighty challenge – to eat one marshmallow now or to wait and get two.  They found that there were some children who were emotionally distraught over the idea of having to wait, there were some who tricked the system and there were some who were able to delay gratification.  The study itself is interesting, though more interesting is the work that’s been done since the original experiment. The researchers were able to keep track of the original subjects and look at whether their reactions to the marshmallows were an indicator of how they would live their lives. Those who were able to delay gratification ended up more sucessful in their lives. The skills that they used to wait for two marshmallows ended up being the same skills that helped them study rather than party, and other similar choices.

I am reminded of the podcast by a New Yorker article I just read that outlines both the original investigation and the experiements the researchers are still actively pursuing.  It all just makes me think about where I would fit on that scale.  I feel like as a child I would have possibly been able to resist the marshmallow (maybe my parents would tell me differently) but now I don’t know if I could. I mean, I obviously could resist a marshallow in front of me but I have a hard time with delayed gratification especially when it comes to the internet. I think the internet will skew the data coming out.  Here I sit with my wordpress page open, and up in my tabs gmail (with gchats going), fbook, the new yorker open and if I wanted to check something else at the moment I could. Then next to me is my phone with it’s own assortment of distractions. And everything is automatic. And everything is updated. And when you send something out you expect something quickly back in return. If an email goes unreplied over a couple of hours or even minutes you start to wonder if something is wrong.  I see people online in gchat and I want to say something to them just so I can have them say something to me – even when there is really nothing for us to say. I crave the contact that the inernet gives me – that’s why I write on a blog as well.  I want to know that my words are being read (and I know when I look at my stats). And I want to hear that people are responding to them.  That’s why I get excited when someone comments. Read the rest of this entry »

guess what? it’s my second webiversary

February 1, 2009

it’s been two years since the birth of words from hanvnah. amazingly it’s still going. and you, whoever you may be, are still reading.  thanks for that.

In the past year I’ve had 208 posts (all time total of 430), 83 comments (all time total of 210), and over 10,000 views (all time total of 17,610). Something I noticed in looking at these totals, my page views have increased a great deal from last year to this but people are not commenting as much – come on people step it up in year 3)

and here is a very link filled recap of a year in the life of a blog:

Read the rest of this entry »